Case study one

Zahra Osman Ali

Zahra Osman Ali is a mother of 9 children who is a member of Hoobaan Self Help Group (SHG) in Mohamed Mooge District, she has joined in this SHG in November 2013 at that time she had small shop in which she was selling very small house items and tools, like tea cups, steel water cups and very small number of breakfast plates. After saving few months with her group she took 300,000 S/L SH loan from the SHG and she had contribution in her shop, another few months after she has taken the round two loan from the SHG and then she add another house tools in the shop, by now she has taken the loan 5 times, she repaid all and enlarged the shop with many additional different items such as clothes, mattresses, pillows and Somali cultural cooking facilities like hearth.  She get at least 6 dollar profit per day from her business and she can afford education and health care for her children. Finally, she is appreciating the SHG approach and says the SHG approach is the most suitable method of economic empowerment for the poor.