Case Study five

Roda running her buseness

Roda is a mother of seven children who is a member of Hoodaale Self Help Group (SHG) in Mohamed Moge Village, she has small grocery in Mohamed Mooge market, she had nothing about Economic resource before joining in the SHG; her husband is mentally ill, the children had lacked food, shelter and all other basic needs. However, she has taken the investment 3 times from the SHG, at the first time she began to create a small business so as to get an income for their daily life, she has no position in the market to run her business and she was used to put  vegetables in a bag and go to houses to sell the vegetables, after a while she has got a position in the market and her business have grow up; she told that she has benefited from the SHG approach and she said now I am a well known person in everywhere, before the SHG I was a blind person, I didn’t know how to save a money, I didn’t know how to create a business and I didn’t know how to manage the business; currently I know how to run my business and save a money also I can separate benefits from loss, my family and children have now their daily life they eat three times a day, they go to school and my husband has got a welfare. Therefore, I appreciate more for this approach of Self Help Group and I hope to keep up the approach by the promoting organization; at the same time I hope that my business will be expanded in the near future time.