Sustainable Agronomic Practices Training


CANDLE LIGHT has organized workshop on agronomic practices It has been conducted and facilitated by agronomist. The training workshop was started and continued from   9-12, June 2017, the training participants were 40 members   twenty of them were women,   all trainees  were  come from  two villages  Magaalo-Cad and Magaalo –qaloc villages  administrated  in Borama districts, Awdal region.  The training was part of the   four   year project   interventions supported by DF, Norway and Implemented by Candlelight

The good farmer needs a tremendous of skill and he needs to know about his financial procedure, to be able management of cost recovery. In Somaliland, many farmers learn their altitude and techniques from their fathers. The trainings for irrigation farmer are part of capacity building funded by Agriculture extension. CANDLE LIGHT Program officer opened the training and he explained the objectives and advantage of the training and he also advised to the trainees to pay attention to the lessons given during the workshop. The facilitator of the training was officially opened the training. By the end of the training   participants is expected

  • knowing what crop production techniques and structure farm
  • know how fertilized farm and making of compost.
  • To get knowledge of crop production techniques.
  • To understand the difference between crop insect and disease. And their control
  • To understand proper use of pesticide and pesticide hazardous
  • To understand soil erosion control and conservation
  • To understand seed selection and method of irrigation.