District Training on Gender Equality in Territorial Issues

FAO produced a guideline for Improving Gender Equality in Territorial Issues (IGETI) to promote gender inclusion and participation in July 2012. The country office with the support of Candlelight translated the guideline in to Somali language under its “Rebuilding Confidence on Land issues in Somalia” project generously financed by the European Union.

At meantime, Candlelight for Environment, Education and Health (CLEEH) implements Trainings in Participatory and Gender responsive approaches to local governance in Somaliland which is the aim to increase the ability of the grass-root groups, and women in particular, to meaningfully engage with the local authorities over matters related to land governance and administrations.

On this regards, Candlelight have engaged a training consultant for conducting combination of Improving Gender Equality in Territorial Issues (IGETI) & Participatory Negotiated Territorial Development (PNTD). The training was conducted during 23rd to 24th February, 2017 at the Oslo Hotel, Boorama District.

The purpose of the training was to conduct district training in improving gender equality in territorial issues for 20 participants consisting (traditional leaders and women activist) in Baki District.
The specific objectives of this training

  • Participants recognize the importance of a gender-sensitive approach and of its inclusion into their daily work in order to promote better governance patterns and reallyon inclusive to all actors..
  • Participants are able to shift to more gender-sensitive and inclusive approaches in their work and they use the learned lessons and tools in their daily tasks and decisions towards their natural resource base.

The trainers generally adopted a participatory approach towards every aspect of the trainings. Decision-making on session times, house-keeping issues, training content, delivery style, participants’ level of input and practical activities were done with participants and the client.