Drought impact mitigation: Seed distribution and tillage hours

Droughts are major constraints to rain-fed agricultural production in the project areas and this year, it had obvious implications on food security. Due to prolonged dry seasons, Rapid Vulnerability Assessment was carried out in the project sites farmers and pastoralists in Gugux village were found most vulnerable. In response to this, the project staff had discussion meetings with village committees, community elders, women and cultural leaders on immediate needs and possible actions to mitigate the vulnerability of the affected households. Implementing food immediate food security measures including seed distribution and tillage hours were identified most appropriate. As a result, the project purchased 250 kg of maize, sorghum and cow peas and distributed to 50 food insecure farmer households selected by the village committee. 150 tillage hours were implemented shortly before the expected rainy season. Improving food and nutrition and restoring livelihoods of the drought affected households was among the expected results of this activity. 1500 hectors were covered in the first phase for 25 farmer households and 20 tons of maize, cow were produced as a result of the project intervention as recent monitoring reports showed. 5o households consisting of 300 household members including men, women and children received FGM/C awareness and showed their dedication to end the harmful practices of FGM/C. The indicator was achieved and the expected output was beyond expectation. The second phase of this intervention which will be implemented for another 25 farmer households is planned in this month.

.A farmer walking behind tractor and sparsely spilling seeds on his farmIMG_20160711_114206 (2)community mobilization meeting