Somali Girls Education Promotion Programme (SOMGEP)

Currently Somali people are realizing the importance of educating and investing in their girls. This can be attributed to a number of factors, including the prominence of women’s role in the economic circles as breadwinners and their crucial and untiring struggle to keep the families together and make ends meet with meagre resources. Statistics on incoming remittances has shown that over 50% of people who send money back to Somalia/Land in order to support their families are women.

Since the past decade or so, there has been a remarkable increase in girls’ school enrolment. This is because of the combined efforts of civil society organizations, the government and INGOs/UN agencies.

The momentum was heightened by the declaration of free primary education by the Somaliland Government in early 2011 which enabled many children who previously had no access to primary education to enrol.

Specific  Objective :

  • Increase access for underprivileged poor girls in underserved areas in Erivago, Eil-Afwein and Ainabo districts to primary education.
  • Give access to 1,080 women in 36 villages to literacy and numeracy.

Project Period: September 2013 – October 2015

Targeted Locations: Erivago, Eil-Afwein and Ainabo districts

Main component  Activities :

  • Training of 33 school CECs members (7 CEC members per school) on promoting education of the girl child in terms of access, retention, transition and completion of a full cycle of education.
  • Training of 2 women mentors each from 36 in primary and secondary schools communities. Mentors are expected to have mentorship skills to help girls make the right decision in their career.
  • Literacy classes will be conducted in 33 primary schools and will be done in the evening; in total reaching 30 mothers from each school.

 Funded Agency: Care International


CEC Training El--Buh cluster (4) CEC Training El--Buh cluster CEC Training Erigavo cluster (2)









Training of 33 school CECs members (7 CEC members per school) on promoting education of the girl child in terms of access, retention, transition and completion of a full cycle of education.

1113 1111 CEC Training Erigavo cluster (3)








Participant of mentor-ship and girls school forum training